This script is based of the scripts provided by the german institution “Regionales Rechenzentrum für Niedersachsen” (R|R|Z|N).
It creates all necessary files in one folder including the boot files in one step.
You just need to upload the folder to your tftproot folder and make a copy of the bootmgr.exe from within the Boot folder to your tftproot folder.
At the end you will get a rudimentary WinPE with a simple Command Prompt.
If you want to have a more advanced WinPE take a look at this article.
Microsoft Windows AIK for Windows 7
This script needs to be run from an administrative Deployment Tools Command Prompt.
@echo off rem Erstellung von WinPE-Images und Rauskopieren der benoetigten Dateien rem vgl. Microsoft-TechNet, Walkthrough: Deploy an Image by Using PXE rem Auszufuehren innerhalb der WAIK-Eingabeaufforderung f. Bereitst. rem 20090826-HH Set PXEDest=C:pxe-tftp Set OSFolder=Boot Set x86wim=winpex86.wim Set x64wim=winpex64.wim Set createx64=false if exist %PXEDest% rmdir %PXEDest% /s /q mkdir %PXEDest% mkdir %PXEDest%%OSFolder% rem Create WinPE-images if exist %PXEDest%winpe-x86 rmdir %PXEDest%winpe-x86 /s /q call copype.cmd x86 %PXEDest%winpe-x86 if exist %PXEDest%winpe-x64 rmdir %PXEDest%winpe-x64 /s /q call copype.cmd amd64 %PXEDest%winpe-x64 rem Dateien architekturunabhaengig, amd64 hat aber zusaetzlich wdsmgfw.efi imagex /mount %PXEDest%winpe-x64winpe.wim 1 %PXEDest%winpe-x64mount xcopy %PXEDest%winpe-x64mountWindowsBootPXE* %PXEDest%%OSFolder% /s /e imagex /unmount %PXEDest%winpe-x64mount copy “%ProgramFiles%Windows AIKToolsPEToolsx86bootboot.sdi” %PXEDest%%OSFolder% copy %PXEDest%winpe-x86winpe.wim %PXEDest%%OSFolder%%x86wim% copy %PXEDest%%OSFolder%pxeboot.n12 %PXEDest%%OSFolder%pxeboot.0 if “%createx64%“==“true” copy %PXEDest%winpe-x64winpe.wim %PXEDest%%OSFolder%%x64wim% rem BCD-Erstellung fuer PXE-Boot von WAIK-Windows-7 rem vgl. rem 20100716-HH pushd %PXEDest%%OSFolder% %systemroot%system32bcdedit -createstore BCD %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -create {ramdiskoptions} %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice boot %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath %OSFolder%boot.sdi for /f ” usebackq delims={} tokens=2″ %%i IN (`%systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -create /d “WinPE-x86 Boot Image” /application osloader`) do set GUIDx86=%%i if “%createx64%“==“true” for /f ” usebackq delims={} tokens=2″ %%i IN (`%systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -create /d “WinPE-x64 Boot Image” /application osloader`) do set GUIDx64=%%i echo GUID x86: %GUIDx86% if “%createx64%“==“true” echo GUID x64: %GUIDx64% %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -enum echo. %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx86%} systemroot Windows %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx86%} detecthal Yes %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx86%} winpe Yes %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx86%} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]%OSFolder%%x86wim% %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx86%} device ramdisk=[boot]%OSFolder%%x86wim%,{ramdiskoptions} if “%createx64%“==“true” %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx64%} systemroot Windows if “%createx64%“==“true” %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx64%} detecthal Yes if “%createx64%“==“true” %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx64%} winpe Yes if “%createx64%“==“true” %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx64%} osdevice ramdisk=[boot]%OSFolder%%x64wim% if “%createx64%“==“true” %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -set {%GUIDx64%} device ramdisk=[boot]%OSFolder%%x64wim%,{ramdiskoptions} %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -create {bootmgr} /d “WinPE BootManager” %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -timeout 30 %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -default {%GUIDx86%} if not “%createx64%“==“true” %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -displayorder {%GUIDx86%} if “%createx64%“==“true” %systemroot%system32bcdedit -store BCD -displayorder {%GUIDx86%} {%GUIDx64%} popd goto end :end echo. echo. echo. echo Transfer the "%OSFolder%" folder from %PXEDest% to the tftp-root folder of your PXE-Server. pause
defines the folder where the script will work in
defines your folder which needs to be uploaded to your PXE-Server
and x64wim
defines the naming of the wim files you’ll get
if set to true will additionally create a rudimentary 64Bit PXE environment